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বাংলায় দর্শন শিক্ষা ফিলোসফি নেট পরীক্ষার্থীদের জন্য 2nd পেপারের Mock Test এর ব্যবস্থা করেছে।বাংলায় দর্শন শিক্ষা has arranged Mock Test of 2nd Paper for Philosophy Net Examiners.

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1. “Knowledge is the virtue” is said by


2. “Man is the measure of all things” is said by


3. Which theory is propounded by Spinoza regarding the relation between Mind and Body


4. Who among the following thinkers is treated as sceptic


5. According to Hegel, Becoming incorporates


6. Who has stated “Knowledge by Acquaintance, and Knowledge by Description” ?


7. The man who declared himself first “I am a Philosopher is


8. The prominent sophists were


9. Socrates did not preach


10. Who was the Philosopher interviewed by young Socrates


11. The author of ‘Memorabilia’ is


12. ‘Ontological Argument’ of Saint Anselm was adopted by


13. Who said that “Our earthly life is a pilgrim age to God


14. ‘Meditations on First Philosophy’ was written by


15. Arrange the following books in order in which they appear in the history of Philosophy
3.Problem of Philosophy
4.Principles of Philosophy


16. Find out odd


17. Find out the odd


18. The true Knowledge of external world is impossible – is the view held by


19. The faculty of understanding in Kant’s Philosophy known as


20. According to Hegel, reality consists


21. The naturalistic fallacy is attributed to


22. The leading figure of existentialism in France is


23. The phrase ‘forgetfulness of Being’ is attributed to


24. The ‘private language argument’ was prepared by


25. Which of the following is not included in analytical philosophy


26. The Vedic word stands for


27. Brahmacarya is the means to meet


28. Who among the following dose believe in God?(A)


29. The view that Vedas are pauruseya is held by


30. The view that Vedas are pauruseya is held by


31. The Samavayikarana of the world according to the Vaisesikas is


32. Syadvada is the


33. Carvaka Ethics is called


34. Pratitya samutpada-vada is an


35. The founder of Mimamsa dorshon is


36. Nirguna Brahma is related to


37. ‘Tirthankara’ is term associated with


38. Classical Vaisesika system is known as


39. ‘On this ground there is no pot now’ is an example of


40. The main objective of Mimamsa system


41. According to Gandhi the goal of constructive program is


42. ‘Buddhism is nothing , if not rationalism’ according to


43. Which of the following is not acceptable to Ambedkar


44. Dasein means


45. The philosophy of ……. was a classical form of objective idealism


46. The philosophy of ……. was a classical form of objective idealism


47. ‘God chooses to create the best of all possible worlds’ is stated by


48. …….. is light and …….. is darkness


49. Universal religion has to be acceptable to


50. …….. is the supreme good , according to Gandhi


যারা নেট পরীক্ষার প্রিপারেশন নিচ্ছ তাদের জন্য বাংলায় দর্শন শিক্ষা মক টেস্টের আয়োজন করেছে আশা করি তোমাদের কেমন প্রিপারেশন হচ্ছে। সেটা যাচাই করতে পারবে।

মক টেস্ট দেওয়ার পর কেমন লাগলো সেটা জানাতে ভুলবে না।

প্রশ্ন গুলো যদি ভালো লেগে থাকে তাহলে সাইট টিকে অবশ্যই সাবস্ক্রাইব করো এবং কমেন্ট বক্সে কমেন্ট করে জানাও।

This is online examination and quiz for philosophy net exam candidates.

About Surajit Sajjan 59 Articles
Surajit Sajjan M.A B.Ed Assistant Teacher (HS School)


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