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AACR – Anglo-American Cataloging Rules

AGRIS – Agricultural Information System

ALA – American Library Association

APA – American Psychological Association

ASCII – American Standard Code for Information Interchange

BIP – Books In Print

BL – British Library

BONET – Bombay Library Network

CALIBNET – Calcutta Library Network


CD-ROM – Compact Disc Read-Only Memory

CIP – Cataloging-In-Publication

CSIR – Council of Scientific and Industrial Research

DDC – Dewey Decimal Classification

DELNET – Delhi Library Network

DESIDOC – Defense Scientific Information and Documentation Center

HTML – Hyper Text Markup Language

HTTP – Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

HTTPS – Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure

IASLIC – Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centers

ICSSR – Indian Council of Social Science Research

ICT – Information and Communication Technology

IFLA – International Federation of  Library Associations and Institutions

ILA – Indian Library Association

INFLIBNET – Information and Library Network (UGC)

INSDOC – Indian National Scientific Documentation Center

ISBD – International Standard Bibliographic Description

ISBN – International Standard Book Number

ISP – Internet Service Provider

ISSN – International Standard Serial Number

IT – Information Technology

LAN – Local Area Network

LC – Library of Congress

LCC – Library of Congress Classification

MARC – Machine Readable Catalogue

NAAC – National Assessment and Accreditation Council

NASSDOC – National Social Science Documentation Center

NISCAIR – National Institute for Science Communication and  Information Resources

OCLC – Online Computer Library Center

OPAC – Online Public Access Catalog

PDF – Portable Document Format

RFID – Radio Frequency Identification

RRRLF – Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation

UDC – Universal Decimal Classification

UGC – University Grants Commission

UNESCO- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

URL – Uniform Resource Locator

USB – Universal Serial Bus

WAN – Wide Area Network

WWW – World Wide Web

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